Interesting Facts About Moranbah’s Early Years
Did You Know?
The Bowen Basin Region is named after Sir George Ferguson. He was the Bowen Basin’s first governor of what was once the Colony of Queensland.
Did You Know?
Initially in the late 1960’s, there was no mail service or telephone connection to the sprawl of caravans that were arriving into town. Letter or parcels could be sent or collected at the Goonyella Mine Site.
Did You Know?
11 Laver Street was the site of the first shop in Moranbah. In 1969, George and Yvonne Batchelor opened a shop underneath their house.
Did You Know?
In the late 1969, a single public telephone was installed in Moranbah. While this was welcomed, it was also inadequate. At one stage there were 700 people in the caravan park and contractors stood in queues for hours just to use the telephone. Congestion on the public telephone line was short lived. By 1970, Moranbah had its own list of entries in the Mackay Telephone District Directory.
Did You Know?
In 1971, Moranbah had a population of 1,050. Today, the community has nearly 9,000 permanent residents
Did You Know?
Initially, there was a one person ambulance, staffed by Ken Large and based at Goonyella Mine for about 18 months. In 1971, Allan Gotke was appointed Officer in Charge of the new Ambulance Service. Allan had to stay at the Mine Site for accommodation because with only 50 houses in town and a school, there was no housing for him.
Did You Know?
By the early 1970’s, mail was received via a free bag service and lodged at a post office van in the caravan park. Residents sorted through the mail and extracted what was theirs. This haphazard system was changed when Gordon Roger Milner Barratt was appointed Non Official Postmaster, from March 1971. Business was conducted from premises made available by Utah Development Coal Mining Company on Laver Street.
Did You Know?
The Moranbah Ambulance Base was run by Allan Gotke and two ambulance men. The team took delivery of the first ambulance on July 1, 1971. They operated out of a corner block on Belyando Avenue. Later, they moved into a converted grocery store at 11 Laver Street. Only March 26, 1977, a new station was built on Griffin Street.
Did You Know?
The Combined Mining Union Women’s Auxiliary were instrumental in the establishment of the Moranbah Neighbourhood Centre Association in 1982. Whereby, the Child Care Centre and Support Worker soon began servicing the community.
Did You Know?
It was thought and probably still is today that…
Women as held it all together! Many believe that the women who moved to Moranbah had a tougher time than the men. The men merely had to work. The women had to build homes and hold families together in frequently trying circumstances. The men might have build Moranbah, but it’s the women who civilized it!

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- Isaac Community Connect App - Get Connected Today!
- Moranbah Community Virtual Tour (This represents a snapshot of our community.)
- Childcare Providers
- Church Services
- Education
- Historical Information of Moranbah Community
- Isaac Regional Council's Get Ready Guide
- Library
- Locational Map
- Medical Services
- Moranbah Airport
- Moranbah's Attractions
- Moranbah Traders Association (MTA)
- Parks
- Regional Attractions and Destinations
- Volunteering Interest
Settlement Program Contact:
2 Appleton Street, P.O. Box 175
Moranbah, Queensland
Telephone: 07 4941 5164